Lista jla
jla versus predator tpb hq importado publicado pela editora dc comics, 48 páginas aproximadamente, data de publicação: 2/2001, formato: 170 cm, cor: colorido, origem: estados unidos, idioma da publicação: inglês, informações adicionais código identificador (sku) 761941225760111 editora importados
jla - primeval editora: dc comics, 66 páginas, data de publicação: -/1999, formato: 170 cm, cor: colorido, origem: estados unidos, idioma: inglês informações adicionais código identificador (sku) 76194121701700111 editora importados
Imported jla witchblade hq published by dc comics publisher, 48 pages approximately, publication date: 1/2001, format: 170 cm, color: colorful, origin: united states, publication language: english, informações adicionais código identificador (sku) 97619412205500111 editora importados
Red tornado, flash (jay garrick), and superman team up to stop a flash flood in ohio, but the man of steel and the fastest man alive seem to have ulterior motives in “stormchasers!” simon stagg is being haunted by the ghost of metamorpho in “the ghost of stagg manor!” all this plus profiles of some of the team's newest members, allies and more! informações adicionais código identificador (sku) 76194123586 editora importados” tempest's child cerdian looks on through his confused infant eyes as atlantis struggles to survive without her true king, aquaman secret files e origins nº 1
It is a self-contained story by alan davis which stands outside of the mainstream continuity of the dc universethe story was followed up by a sequel in justice league: another nail which ties into the original story and wrapped up several loose ends such as the aftermath of the war between new genesis, apokolips and the green lantern corps as well as oliver queen's public betrayal of the justice leaguecoleção justice league: the nail jla: the nail is a three-issue comic book mini-series published in the united states by dc comicscrisis on infinite earths: the compendium gave it the designation earth-898 and made it part of hypertime informações adicionais código identificador (sku) 951258753217633 editora importadosthe theme of the story is set by its first paragraph from the proverbial rhyme "for want of a nail"