Laggia ct09 en011
Lista laggia ct09 en011
Skull dragon lcjw-en054 flame swordsman ldb-p003 dragon knight draco-equiste ct07-enx cyber twin dragon sdcr-en037 xyz 3x hieratic sun dragon overlord of heliopolis ct09-en004 number 107: galaxy-eyes tachyon ghost ltgy-en044 number 46: dragluon shsp-en050 thunder end dragon starfoil sp14-enx hieratic dragon king of atum gaov-enx evolzar laggia oversized phsw-en043 evolzar laggia ct09-en011 evolzar dolkka ct09-en001 evolzar laggia ct09-en011 harpies pet phantasmal dragon ltgy-en055 number 17: leviathan dragon ct08-en001 number c92: heart-earth chaos dragon lval-en050 baby tiragon numh-en051 number c5: chaos chimera dragon drlg-en043 starliege lord galaxion jotl-en050 ghostrick alucard ultimate shsp-en052 ghostrick alucard shatterfoil bp03-en131 number 11: big eye gaov-en090 mecha phantom beast dracossack mp14-en030 diamond dire wolf ct10-en012 synchro 4x shooting quasar dragon lc05-en005 majestic red dragon ct07-en001 star eater mp14-enx void ogre dragon prc1-enx hundred eyes dragon dpc5-enx hot red dragon archfiend yf06-en001 dark end dragon jump-en044 dark end dragon rymp-en066 light end dragon rymp-enx azure-eyes silver dragon sdbe-en040 stardust dragon ultimate tdgs-en040 stardust dragon common lc5d-enx stardust spark dragon yf05-en001 naturia barkion ha03-en028 gungnir, dragon of the ice barrier dt03-enx black rose dragon lc05-en004 exploder dragonwing lc5d-en070 brionac - dragon of the ice barrier ha01-enx orient dragon lc5d-en247 ancient sacred wyvern lc5d-en239 chaos king archfiend tshd-en041 ally of justice catastor dt01-enx ally of justice catastor ct10-en006 mist wurm lc5d-enx goyo guardian pgl2-enx blackwing armed wing pgld-en078 herald of the arc light nech-en052 nekroz of unicore thsf-en016); - a lista com a maioria das cartas que compõe a pasta esta no link do google drive; - a coleção compõe: 1 pasta com inumeras cartas, 2x yugioh structure deck saga of blue eyes white dragon, 1x structure deck rise of the dragon lords e 2x structure deck dinosaurs rage; - extras: 2x deck box, mais de 40 folhas ultra pro, mais de 800 sleeves, campos de duelos, manuais, caixas dos decks blue eyes e dragon lords, entre outros; - vai minha coleção completa que dediquei muitos anos e dinheiro, então minha pretenção é vender a outro colecionador que cuidará dela assim como eu fiz durante todos essses anos; - mais fotos tambem no link abaixo; - ****driveestou vendendo minha coleção de yugioh, pode me contatar também através do whatsappcom/drive/folders/185ue8wmmay lyq9v7yraqbb2wgmllutr-?usp=sharing abaixo algumas cartas que acompanham a coleção nome obelisk the tormentor lc01-en001 the winged dragon of ra lc01-en003 slifer the sky dragon lc01-en002 obelisk the tormentor jump-en037 the winged dragon of ra orcs-ense2 armityle the chaos phantom lcgx-en211 yugioh gx sacred beast uria - lord of searing flames ct03-en005 hamon, lord of striking thunder ultimate soi-en002 raviel, lord of phantasms dr04-en123 hero evil hero malicious fiend lcgx-en072 masked hero dian prc1-en019 elemental hero gaia ct08-en011 elemental hero absolute zero genf-ense1 vision hero trinity genf-en091 elemental hero neos dp03-en001 elemental hero neos alius gld2-en028 elemental hero necroshade dt04-en007 elemental hero woodsman pp02-en004 fusion dragon master knight lcyw-enx five-headed dragon lc03-en004 blue-eyes ultimate dragon pgld-enx meteor bdragon prc1-en004 el shaddoll grysta nech-enx bver número !!! algumas informações: - iniciada em ; - note que são mais de 600 cartas, sendo que sua maioria possui alguma raridade (r, sr, ur, etc
$ 14889999628067017