Lista requires
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respiração saudável: a nossa a máscara do respirador é projetada para a proteção confortável contra a poeira, pólen, fumos, irritantes aéreos comuns e outras partículas à base de não-óleo
ele também pode ser usado como um máscara para filtrar pollens alergênico e como uma máscara para a gripepara o desempenho maximizado, a m\u00e1scara deve ser selada corretamente ao redor do nariz e boca, para que todo o ar inalado possa passar pelo filtro5 e proteção do dia da névoasemelhante à elevação-pode também ajude seu treinamento de capacidade pulmonar imitando alta altitude/baixo oxigênio nível de condiçõesjpg","alt":""},{"id":2306267,"src":"static\/products_images\/2j8moc8peeurx6b1hcajgqvll7i7jcé adequado para ciclismo, corrida, ciclismo, caminhadas, esqui, carpintaria e outras atividades ao ar livreele vai ajud\u00e1-lo a respirar de uma maneira mais limpa e saud\u00e1velio\/products\/mascara-facial-feminina-com-20","counts":[],"percentages":[],"total_rating_count":0,"data":{"count":[5,4,3,2,1]},"overall_stars":0,"overall_remaining_stars":5,"all":[],"links":{},"product_reviews_js":{},"create_path":"https:\/\/stabashop9,"compare_at_price":0,"cost_per_item":0,"sku":"29,201336100","aliexpress_sku":null,"position":1,"inventory_policy":1,"quantity":69,"prevent_out_of_stock_selling":0,"taxable":0,"barcode":null,"swatches":null,"weight":0,"weight_unit":null,"requires_shipping":0,"has_digital_attachment":0,"created_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","updated_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","deleted_at":null,"is_available":true,"variant_image":[{"product_image_id":2306264,"product_variant_id":2181007}],"product_variant_option_value":[{"id":3845285,"product_variant_id":2181007,"product_option_id":334018,"product_option_value_id":1535436,"created_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","updated_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52"},{"id":3845286,"product_variant_id":2181007,"product_option_id":334019,"product_option_value_id":1535437,"created_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","updated_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52"}]},"variants":[{"id":2181007,"product_id":317085,"default":0,"title":"preto\/china","price":79
aperfeiçoe o projeto: ao contrário de anteriormente projetado dusk masks (principalmente 95% máscaras), nossa máscara de poeira implementa o design que impede a máscara de poluição de escorregar
uso universal: a nossa máscara anti-poluição é feita para projetos de melhoria doméstica: como uma máscara de tinta (não-óleo baseado), máscara para limpeza, madeira, corte, etc
ele tamb\u00e9m pode ser usado como um m\u00e1scara para filtrar pollens alerg\u00eanico e como uma m\u00e1scara para a gripe9,"compare_at_price":0,"cost_per_item":0,"sku":"29,201336106","aliexpress_sku":null,"position":1,"inventory_policy":1,"quantity":100,"prevent_out_of_stock_selling":0,"taxable":0,"barcode":null,"swatches":null,"weight":0,"weight_unit":null,"requires_shipping":0,"has_digital_attachment":0,"created_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","updated_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","deleted_at":null,"is_available":true,"variant_image":[{"product_image_id":2306264,"product_variant_id":2181008}],"product_variant_option_value":[{"id":3845287,"product_variant_id":2181008,"product_option_id":334018,"product_option_value_id":1535436,"created_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","updated_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52"},{"id":3845288,"product_variant_id":2181008,"product_option_id":334019,"product_option_value_id":1535438,"created_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","updated_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52"}]}],"currency":"r$","options":[{"id":334018,"product_id":317085,"name":"color","position":0,"created_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","updated_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","values":[{"value":"preto","id":1535436}]},{"id":334019,"product_id":317085,"name":"ships from","position":0,"created_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","updated_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","values":[{"value":"china","id":1535437},{"value":"estados unidos","id":1535438}]}],"collections":[],"tags":[{"tag":"mascara facial feminina"}],"type":"","vendor":"","reviews":{"disable":false,"product_path":"https:\/\/stabashop
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nossa separa\u00e7\u00e3o da m\u00e1scara de 98% da poeira, produtos qu\u00edmicos, part\u00edculas, g\u00e1s, p\u00f3len, fuma\u00e7a e fuma\u00e7a
sobre o material:
máscara material: poliésterjpg","alt":""},{"id":2306268,"src":"static\/products_images\/96ctnkfkyvuvifmmsjucqwko40jrwa
ajuste confortável: feito de náilon elástico e elastano, material leve, textura macia, secagem rápida, respirável e confortável de usartamanho geral, el\u00e1stico e ajust\u00e1vel cinta adequada para a maioria das pessoas, um tamanho se encaixa para todoso máscara dustproof pode ser usado para anti-poeira, exaustão anti-veículo, anti-pólen alergia, anti pm2nossos clientes usam a m\u00e1scara facial para correr e andar de bicicleta5 filtragem de ar m\u00e1scara
respira\u00c7\u00c3o saud\u00c1vel: a nossa a m\u00e1scara do respirador \u00e9 projetada para a prote\u00e7\u00e3o confort\u00e1vel contra a poeira, p\u00f3len, fumos, irritantes a\u00e9reos comuns e outras part\u00edculas \u00e0 base de n\u00e3o-\u00f3leo5 e prote\u00e7\u00e3o do dia da n\u00e9voao m\u00e1scara dustproof pode ser usado para anti-poeira, exaust\u00e3o anti-ve\u00edculo, anti-p\u00f3len alergia, anti pm2cartão de créditonossos clientes usam a máscara facial para correr e andar de bicicleta\u00c9 adequado para ciclismo, corrida, ciclismo, caminhadas, esqui, carpintaria e outras atividades ao ar livre
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mascara facial feminina com 20
12x de r$ 8,02
r$ 79,90
20 p\u00e7s feminino respir\u00e1vel ao ar livre m\u00e1scara reutiliz\u00e1vel filtro pm2
ajuste confort\u00e1vel: feito de n\u00e1ilon el\u00e1stico e elastano, material leve, textura macia, secagem r\u00e1pida, respir\u00e1vel e confort\u00e1vel de usar
sobre o material:
m\u00e1scara material: poli\u00e9ster
aten\u00c7\u00c3o: nosso produto \u00c9 importado e por este motivo, pode levar de 10 a 40 dias para ser entregueio\/products\/reviews\/create","toggle_date_visibility":false,"has_reviews":false},"custom_options":[]}" style="box-sizing: border-box; word-break: break-word;" preto/china preto/estados unidos
ships from
china estados unidos
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20 pçs feminino respirável ao ar livre máscara reutilizável filtro pm2
nossa separação da máscara de 98% da poeira, produtos químicos, partículas, gás, pólen, fumaça e fumaçasemelhante \u00e0 eleva\u00e7\u00e3o-pode tamb\u00e9m ajude seu treinamento de capacidade pulmonar imitando alta altitude\/baixo oxig\u00eanio n\u00edvel de condi\u00e7\u00f5es
aperfei\u00c7oe o projeto: ao contr\u00e1rio de anteriormente projetado dusk masks (principalmente 95% m\u00e1scaras), nossa m\u00e1scara de poeira implementa o design que impede a m\u00e1scara de polui\u00e7\u00e3o de escorregar
uso universal: a nossa m\u00e1scara anti-polui\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 feita para projetos de melhoria dom\u00e9stica: como uma m\u00e1scara de tinta (n\u00e3o-\u00f3leo baseado), m\u00e1scara para limpeza, madeira, corte, etcele vai ajudá-lo a respirar de uma maneira mais limpa e saudáveljpg","alt":""},{"id":2306265,"src":"static\/products_images\/acvd665bcvmgupz2w8hbwnapgzttmqjpg","alt":""},{"id":2306266,"src":"static\/products_images\/mzi9u81hujr4rzap3fjom3wco8fgxr9,"compare_at_price":0,"cost_per_item":0,"sku":"29,201336100","aliexpress_sku":null,"position":1,"inventory_policy":1,"quantity":69,"prevent_out_of_stock_selling":0,"taxable":0,"barcode":null,"swatches":null,"weight":0,"weight_unit":null,"requires_shipping":0,"has_digital_attachment":0,"created_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","updated_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","deleted_at":null,"is_available":true,"variant_image":[{"product_image_id":2306264,"product_variant_id":2181007}],"product_variant_option_value":[{"id":3845285,"product_variant_id":2181007,"product_option_id":334018,"product_option_value_id":1535436,"created_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","updated_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52"},{"id":3845286,"product_variant_id":2181007,"product_option_id":334019,"product_option_value_id":1535437,"created_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","updated_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52"}]},{"id":2181008,"product_id":317085,"default":0,"title":"preto\/estados unidos","price":79tamanho geral, elástico e ajustável cinta adequada para a maioria das pessoas, um tamanho se encaixa para todosjpg","alt":""},{"id":2306264,"src":"static\/products_images\/fhbfscr3hruffl8aamm6rgh1xegvhjpara o desempenho maximizado, a máscara deve ser selada corretamente ao redor do nariz e boca, para que todo o ar inalado possa passar pelo filtroBrasil
$ 79
requires 30 bíceps para desligar o alarme 3requires 30 bíceps para desligar o alarme 6modo de alarme normal e exercício 5time deve estar certo caminho até ao fazer cachos para contador para trabalhar 10é um desafio, mas você vai olhar amareloexercício da manhã é muito importante para a saúde das pessoasmodo de alarme normal e exercício 8only 1 haltere por pacote 6requer 2 pilhas aaa (não incluídas) descrição do produto características: 100% brand new e de alta qualidade unique dumbbell e despertador projeto impede que você estar atrasado e manter saudável despertador digital com display lcd modo de alarme normal e exercício mudar a outra extremidade do sino para substituir baterias e definir funções o alarme irá nunca parar apenas quando você levantar o dumbbell alarm clock para cima e para baixo por 30 vezes faz você fazer exercício físico imediatamente uma vez que você acordar realmente difícil idéia! aviso importantedetalhes do produto: 1just como ele está ficando mais difícil e mais difícil de se levantar de manhã, um pouco de algo que está acelerando e ter certeza que você começar o dia com o pé direitono entanto, as pessoas que vivem na cidade, depois de ter sido despertado pelo alarme do relógio no início da manhã, então começar um dia inteiro de trabalho, não tem tempo para fazer exercício da manhã em tudonão só você começa com este fantástico despertador digital você pode moldar até demais, e obter os seus exercícios com halteres para fora do caminho antes de café da manhãtime deve estar certo caminho até ao fazer cachos para contador para trabalhar 7o forma up dumbbell alarm clock é um relógio digital e halteres tudo embrulhado em um pacote novidade relógio despertadordigital relógio despertador com display lcd 7material: abs 2color: vermelho 1only 1 haltere por pacote 9e se você já se sentiu como uma pausa apenas mudar o haltere despertador de exercício para o modo normal e dar a seus músculos um descansardigital relógio despertador com display lcd 4portanto, a fim de forçar as pessoas a fazer exercícios de manhã, este interessante dumbbell alarm clock projetado especial para teses de pessoas que não têm tempo para fazer o exercício da manhã, parece exatamente como um dumbbel que pode forçá-lo a fazer exercício, quando o sino tocar, se ele estiver em modo de alarme haltere, precisa levantar o relógio por 30 vezes para desligar o alarmesobre o som do despertador só o balanço para cima do haltere desliga o zumbido repetindo-30 oscilações para cima do haltere que é-e você pode assistir a sua contagem total abaixo de 30 no lcd displaydefinir o despertador digital como normal usando os botões amigáveis e depois esperar para o seu despertar com uma torçãoquando o alarme, você tem que levantar 30 vezes, então ele vai parar de tocar tão rápida a acordar e fazer o seu exercício da manhã com este despertador haltere muito importante para sua saudequando os alarmes de relógio, segurá-la com o número tempo vertially com o horizonte, otherrwise, a hora de levantar o relógio vai não precisarequer 2 pilhas aaa (não incluídas) 8
Garmin virb® 360 action camera virb® 360 is the first of its kind, capturing a complete sphere of high resolution video and audio – even photos) field of view: 360 degrees, vertical and horizontal single lens mode: yes high dynamic range (hdr): yes (automatic) single lens mode: wireless: wi-fi®, bluetooth®, near field communication (one-tap connection with android), ant+ smartphone compatible: yes livestream (apple® devices only): facebook® and youtube® available when virb 360 is wirelessly connected to a compatible iphone® or ipad® mobile app: virb® (control, edit, stabilize, augment, share) vr mode: playback compatible with cardboard headsets desktop software: virb® edit (edit, stabilize, augment, share) desktop software: remote control: garmin devices, mobile app voice control: yes one-button contro: yes real-time 360 viewing: yes with virb app replaceable glass cover lens: yes sunlight readable display: yes mounts: standard tripod and action contents virb® 360 action camera lithium-ion battery charging/data cable tripod cradle (1/4“-20) action cradle grippable tripod7k raw) manual camera controls: yes (white balance, exposure, etc) vr compatible: yes field of view: 360 degrees, vertical and horizontal single lens mode: yes g-metrix™: augmented reality data (g-metrix): yes gps/glonass: 10 hz location capture accelerometer: yes barometer: yes gyroscope: yes compass: yes photo: photo resolution: up to 15 megapixels (stitched-in-camera) photo modes: single shot, burst shooting, exposure bracketing, time lapse, travelapse manual camera controls: yes (white balance, exposure, etc7k/30fps, unstitched; 5k/30 fps, unstiched; 4k/30fps, stitched; 3k/60fps, unstitched video modes: video and time lapse in-camera stitching: yes, up to 4k/30fps 360 audio: yes (4 microphones) spherical stabilization (up to 4k): 3 modes: stabilize, lock, follow maximum bitrate: up to 120 mbps (5features dimensions: unit weight: 133 g without battery; 160 g with battery unit size (h x w x d): 398 mm waterproof: 10 m memory (requires uhs-i, class u3 or higher microsd™ card): up to 128 gb microsd card (not included) battery: rechargeable lithium-ion battery life: up to 1 hours 5 minutes video: video resolution: 5it eliminates the lengthy editing process with unrivaled 1-click video stabilisation up to 4k resolution at 30 fps and allows you to instantly livestream5 any adventure
0 interface x 4 micro sd card slot combined 3ver número 48 whatsapp 61 982892899 a vista (parcelamos no cartão com acréscimo2ghz 64-bit quad-core arm cortex-a53 1gb ram 10/100 ethernet port 802ele substituiu o raspberry pi 2 modelo b em fevereiro de 201611n wifi nic bluetooth 45mm audio jack and composite video 40-pin gpio interface camera interface (csi) display interface (dsi) upgraded power management, supports more peripherals (requires a 211n wireless lan bluetooth 4em comparação com o raspberry pi 2, pi 3 tem: a 11 & bluetooth low energy (ble) bcm2837, 1) o raspberry pi 3 é a terceira geração raspberry piproduto novo original lacrado c/ garantia somos loja física localizado na feira dos importados0a power supply) mais informações 61 99522141 & bluetooth low energy (ble) hdmi port usb 2ver número 34 cel retirada feira dos importados sia setor automotivo área especial quiosque 01 over shop2ghz 64-bit quad-core armv8 cpu 802
Brasilia (Distrito Federal)
$ 199
230 k-dot tft lcd with brightness adjustment playback playback function full-frame and thumbnail (4, 9, or 72 images or calendar) playback with playback zoom, movie playback, slide show, histogram display, highlights, auto image rotation, and image comment (up to 36 characters) interface usb hi-speed usb video output ntsc, pal hdmi output type c mini-pin hdmi connector accessory terminal " remote cord: mc-dc2 (available separately) " gps unit: gp-1 (available separately) supported languages supported languages chinese (simplified and traditional), czech, danish, dutch, english, finnish, french, german, indonesian, italian, japanese, korean, norwegian, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, swedish, turkish power source battery one rechargeable li-ion battery en-el14 ac adapter ac adapter eh-5a; requires power connector ep-5a (available separately) tripod socket tripod socket 1/4 in976 fps) " 1,280 x 720 (30p): 30 fps (291:8), or basic (approxlenses for f3af not supported976 fps) " 640 x 424 (24p): 24 fps (23*3: image size applies to jpeg images only5% of frame) centered on selected focus point range (iso 100, f/1shutter type electronically controlled vertical-travel focal-plane shutter speed 1/4000 to 30 s in steps of 1/3 ev, bulb flash sync speed x=1/200 s; synchronizes with shutter at 1/200 s or slower release release mode (single frame),(continuous),(self-timer),(quiet shutter release) frame advance rate up to 3 fps (manual focus, mode m or s, shutter speed 1/250 s or faster, and other settings at default values) self-timer 2 s, 10 s exposure metering ttl exposure metering using 420-pixel rgb sensor metering method " matrix: 3d color matrix metering ii (type g and d lenses); color matrix metering ii (other cpu lenses) " center-weighted: weight of 75% given to 8-mm circle in center of frame " spot: meters 32 ev above iso 3200 (iso 12800 equivalent); auto iso sensitivity control available active d-lighting on, off focus autofocus nikon multi-cam 1000 autofocus sensor module with ttl phase detection, 11 focus points (including one cross-type sensor), and af-assist illuminator (range approx8 mb 151 9 nef (raw) - 12*3: check that any card readers or other devices with which the card will be used are sdxc-compliantix nikkor lenses not supported21 (exchangeable image file format for digital still cameras), pictbridge viewfinder viewfinder eye-level pentamirror single-lens reflex viewfinder frame coverage approx" type d pc nikkor: all functions supported except autofocus and some shooting modes" other af nikkor: all functions supported except autofocus and 3d color matrix metering ii2 million image sensor image sensor 230, dpof (digital print order format), exif 29 mb 226 13 jpeg fine l m s 6sd memory cards sdhc memory cards*2 sdxc memory cards*3 sandisk 512 mb¿1gb¿2gb*1 4gb¿8gb¿16gb 64gb toshiba 512 mb¿1gb¿2gb*1 4gb¿8gb¿16gb¿32gb 64gb panasonic 512 mb¿1gb¿2gb*1 4gb¿6gb¿8gb¿12gb¿16gb¿32gb 48gb¿64gb lexar media 512 mb¿1gb¿2gb*1 4gb¿8gb - platinum ii 512 mb¿1gb¿2gb*1 4gb¿8gb - professional 512 mb¿1gb¿2gb*1 4gb¿8gb¿16gb¿32gb - *1: check that any card readers or other devices with which the card will be used support 2 gb cards0 m-1) diopter adjustment -1nikon digital slr camera d3100 specifications type type single-lens reflex digital camera lens mount nikon f mount (with af contacts) effective angle of view approx5 mb 1700 3000 6000 100 100 100 *1: all figures are approximate* the sdxc logo is a trademark*2: maximum number of exposures that can be stored in memory buffer at iso 1008 million dust-reduction system image sensor cleaning, airflow control system, image dust off reference data (optional capture nx 2 software required) storage image size (pixels) " 4,608 x 3,072 [l] " 3,456 x 2,304 [m] " 2,304 x 1,536 [s] file format " nef (raw) " jpeg: jpeg-baseline compliant with fine (approx4 mm cmos sensor total pixels 14in the united states and/or other countries264/mpeg-4 advanced video coding audio recording format linear pcm audio recording device built-in monaural microphone monitor lcd monitor 7can be used in exposure mode m, but exposure meter does not functionlive view lens servo " autofocus (af): single-servo af (af-s); full-time-servo af (af-f) " manual focus (mf) af-area mode face-priority af, wide-area af, normal-area af, subject-tracking af autofocus contrast-detect af anywhere in frame (camera selects focus point automatically when face-priority af or subject-tracking af is selected) scene auto selector available in auto and auto (flash off) modes movie metering ttl exposure metering using main image sensor metering method matrix frame size (pixels) and frame rate " 1,920 x 1,080 (24p): 24 fps (23cards with class 6 write speeds are recommended for movie recording5 x lens focal length (nikon dx format) effective pixels effective pixels 14(iso 1222) dimensions / weight dimensions (w x h x d) approx* images in viewfinders, on lcds and monitors shown in this website are simulatedmemory card capacity*1 the following table shows the approximate number of pictures that can be stored on a 4 gb sandisk extreme sdhc card at different image quality and size settings95% horizontal and 95% vertical magnification approx5 m-1 focusing screen type b briteview clear matte mark vii screen reflex mirror quick return lens aperture instant return, electronically controlled lens compatible lenses " af-s and af-i: all functions supportedsize of nef (raw) images can not be changed* hdmi, the hdmi logo and high-definition multimedia interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of hdmi licensing llcof images*1 buffer capacity*2 nef (raw) + jpeg fine*3 l 19file format mov video compression h0 m-1) eyepoint 18 mm (-11:16) compression " nef (raw) + jpeg: single photograph recorded in both nef (raw) and jpeg formats picture control system standard, neutral, vivid, monochrome, portrait, landscape; selected picture control can be modified media sd (secure digital), sdhc and sdxc memory cards file system dcf (design rule for camera file system) 297 fps) " 1,280 x 720 (25p): 25 fps " 1,280 x 720 (24p): 24 fps (231:4), normal (approxfile size varies with scene recorded" type g or d af nikkor without built-in autofocus motor: all functions except autofocus supported5-mm circle (about 2) with battery and memory card but without body cap; approx8 mb 460 815 1700 100 100 100 jpeg normal l m s 3drops when noise reduction is onadditional cards may be fully compatiblecontact nikon customer service for additional informationrecording may end unexpectedly when cards with slower write speeds are used*2: check that any card readers or other devices with which the card will be used are sdhc-compliant* limited to cards tested at the time of july 2010nikon cannot assure compatibility with sd cards not listed above(camera body only) operating environment temperature 0 to 40°c (32 to 104°f) humidity less than 85% (no condensation) accessories supplied accessories (may differ by country or area) rechargeable li-ion battery en-el14, battery charger mh-24, eyepiece cap dk-5, rubber eyecap dk-20, camera strap an-dc3, accessory shoe cover bs-1, body cap bf-1b, viewnx 2 cd-rom, ferrite core (2 types) * microsoft and windows, windows 7 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of microsoft corporation in the united states and/or other countries976 fps) maximum recording time 10 min" ai-p nikkor: all functions supported except autofocus and 3d color matrix metering ii* the sd logo is a trademark of the sd card association* products and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companiesnotes: * please check with the sd card manufacturer regarding features, specifications, warranty, and other itemsfile size is the total for nef (raw) and jpeg images* macintosh and quicktime are registered trademarks or trademarks of apple inc1 ev above iso 3200 (iso 6400 equivalent) or to approx4 lens at infinity, -1* pictbridge is a trademark4 lens, 20°c/68°f) " matrix or center-weighted metering: 0 to 20 ev " spot metering: 2 to 20 ev exposure meter coupling cpu exposure modes auto modes (auto, auto [flash off]); scene modes (portrait; landscape; child; sports; close up; night portrait); programmed auto with flexible program (p); shutter-priority auto (s); aperture-priority auto (a); manual (m) exposure compensation -5 to +5 ev in increments of 1/3 ev exposure lock luminosity locked at detected value with ae-l/af-l button iso sensitivity (recommended exposure index) iso 100 to 3200 in steps of 1 ev; can also be set to approx) detection range -1 to +19 ev (iso 100, 20°c/68°f) lens servo " autofocus (af): single-servo af (af-s); continuous-servo af (af-c); auto af-s/af-c selection (af-a); predictive focus tracking activated automatically according to subject status " manual focus (mf): electronic rangefinder can be used focus point can be selected from 11 focus points af-area mode single-point af, dynamic-area af, auto-area af, 3d-tracking (11 points) focus lock focus can be locked by pressing shutter-release button halfway (single-servo af) or by pressing ae-l/af-l button flash built-in flash auto, portrait, child, close up, night portrait: auto flash with auto pop-up p, s, a, m: manual pop-up with button release guide number approxnote: electronic rangefinder can be used if lens has a maximum aperture of f/5image quality image size file size*1 noapproved memory cards the following sd memory cards have been tested and approved for use in the d310012/39, 13/43 with manual flash (m/ft, iso 100, 20°c/68°f) flash control " ttl: i-ttl balanced fill-flash and standard i-ttl flash for digital slr using 420-pixel rgb sensor are available with built-in flash and sb-900, sb-800, sb-600, or sb-400 (i-ttl balanced fill-flash is available when matrixor center-weighted metering is selected) " auto aperture: available with sb-900/sb-800 and cpu lens " non-ttl auto: supported flash units include sb-900, sb-800, sb-80dx, sb-28dx, sb-28, sb-27, and sb-22s " distance-priority
Do! 132 robo army 133 puzzle de pon 134 magical drop 2 135 fatal fury 1 136 master of syougi 137 viewpoint 138 world heroes 2 139 soccer brawl 140 breakers 141 breakers revenge 142 battle flip shot 143 2020super baseball 144 world heroes 145 money puzzle exch 146 king of monsters 147 football frenzy 148 blue's journey 149 crossed swords 150 stakes winner 151 stakes winner 2 152 puzzle de pon! r! 153 kof 2003 change 154 super dodge ball 155 magical drop iii 156 savage reign 157 kizuna encounter 158 kof 2002 ice-blue 159 kof 97 pj 160 kof 97 yl 161 kog 97 cr * requires snk neo geo motherboard (1, 2, 4, or 6 slot) - (original bios only)d super plus 28 kof 2002 29 kof 2002 magic 30 kof 2002 magic 2 31 kof 2002 cn 32 kof 2002 orochi 33 kof 2002 luan 34 kof 2002 super 35 kof 2002 super 2 36 kof 2003 37 kof 2004 se plus 38 kof 2004 se 39 kof 2004 smp 40 kof 10th 41 kof 05 unique 42 kof 05 unique 2 43 kof 10th extra + 44 rage of dragons 45 rage of dragons + 46 strikers 1945 + 47 strikers 1945 + + 48 aero fighters 2 49 aero fighters 3 50 metal slug 51 metal slug + 52 metal slug 2 53 metal slug 2 + 54 metal slug 3 55 metal slug 3 + 56 metal slug 4 57 metal slug 4 + 58 metal slug x 59 metal slug x + 60 metal slug 6 61 metal slug 6 + 62 super sidekicks 2 63 super sidekicks 3 64 ultimate 11 65 neo-geo cup 98 66 pleasure goal 67 samurai shodown 68 samurai shodown + 69 samurai shodown 2 70 samurai shodown 2+ 71 samurai shodown 3 72 samurai shodown 3+ 73 fighters swords 74 samurai shodown 4 75 samurai shodown 4+ 76 samurai v special 77 matrimelee 78 matrimelee + 79 sengoku 80 sengoku 3 81 sengoku 3 + 82 last blade 83 last blade + 84 the last soldier 85 last blade 2 86 last blade 2 + 87 last blade 2 easy 88 mark of the wolves 89 mark of wolves + 90 double dragon 91 double dragon + 92 nightmare 93 nightmare sp 94 spin master 95 spin master + 96 far east of eden 97 legend success joe 98 art of fighting 2 99 art of fighting 2+ 100 karnov's revenge 101 karnov's revenge + 102 lansquenet 2004 103 shock troopers 2nd 104 puzzle bobble 105 puzzle bobble 2 106 panic bomber 107 street hoop 108 neo bomberman 109 zupapa 110 blazing star 111 ninja commando 112 over top 113 pulstar 114 top hunter 115 ganryu 116 eight man 117 mutation nation 118 baseball stars 2 119 alpha mission 2 120 pre isle 2 121 thrash rally 122 andro dunos 123 captain tomaday 124 zed blade 125 bang bead 126 neo drift out 127 neo turf masters 128 3 count bout 129 burning fight 130 last resort 131 neo mrcartucho snk 161 em 1 neogeo produto novo!! game list: 1 snk vs capcom + 2 snk vs capcom rmx 3 svc super plus 4 kof 94 5 kof 94 + 6 kof 95 7 kof 95 + 8 kof 96 9 kof 96 + 10 kof 96 evo 11 kof 97 12 kof 97 2003 13 kof 97 remix 14 kof 97 plus 15 king of gladiator 16 kog plus 17 kof 98 18 kof 98 + 19 kof 98 ultimate 20 kof 98 orochi 21 kof 99 22 kof 99 + 23 kof 99 cn 24 kof 2001 25 kof 2001 plus 26 c
Revision log funhouse pinball software revision information u6: version l-9 checksum: 3809 date: december 11, 1992 note: this game rom requires a 2meg epromthis sound rom is provided as a courtesy to owners of funhouse pinball gameswilliams funhouse cpu rom l-9 upgrade roms de game atualizadas para seu pinball eproms / eeproms atualizadas para a última versãoatenção: não requer solda, apenas remova a rom antiga e coloque a nova em seu lugar! gravação em equipamentos de última geração - satisfação e qualidadepré-testados antes do envioatualize seu pinball - game rom updategravamos todas as roms williams / bally / sega / data east seu jogo atualizado para a última versão - chega de bugs e travamentos - atualize já seu gameto use a 2meg eprom in your game, make sure that your cpu board is jumpered correctly as follows: w1 - in w2 - out this rom version works best with a modified l-2 sound rom (not included) the sound rom checksums are as follows: u14 (l-2): e58a u15 (l-2): 5e0a u18 (modified l-2): ba0a note: it is not necessary to upgrade u18 in order to use the l-9 game romse não encontrou a rom que precisa pergunte-nosthis modified sound rom, in conjunction with the l-9 game rom, provides an enhanced light show for the 'enter initials' displaytemos upgrade para cpu´s, sound e video romscompre com confiançaatenção: quando vc liga o pinball aparece no display a versão da rom que está instalada
Wall mounted design, no hub requirestimer function, set the timing task with your smart phone or tabletremote control function allow you to monitor all of your connected devices and turn them on/off anywhere and anytime through the free app on your smartphones or tabletsperfectly works with any brand phone, tablet and routersdue to the difference between different monitors,the picture may not reflect the actual color of the itemdue to the manual measurement and different measurement methods, please allow 1-3cm deviationperfect for fridge, air-condition, lights, microwave, wifi router, coffee mill, etc* este produto vem china descrição inteligente wifi tomada us plugue app de controle de voz de automação casa interruptor plugue parede branco especificaciones features: support voice control, you can download and install the smart app to control it with your voicespecifications: max load: 10ax2 usb charge: 5v 2a material: plastic size: 120*48*59mm color: white package included: 1 x smart wifi socket notes: 1with dual usb ports for charging mobile phone convenientlydescriptions: made from superior material, it is flame retardant and safe to usewe guarantee the style is the same as shown in the pictures
0 megapixels 50' flash range burst mode shoots 1 to 9 images or videos from 5 to 90 seconds 5 second increments programmable from 1 to 59 minutes between motion built-in 32mb memory takes 5 to 90 second video clips 30' fixed pir external lcd screen test mode icon-based menu settings time, date and video length stamp on first or last frame time, date, moon phase and temperature stamp on every image sd memory card slot low battery indicator all-weather housing usb output and cable mounting strap av-out requires 6 c batteries 12-volt external power source100% de qualificação positivaveja minha qualificação: + de 5 anos vendendo no mlcâmera de trilha / vida selvagem da marca stealth cam (um dos mais conhecidos fabricantes de câmeras de trilha) em embalagem lacrada (produto novo), pronta entrega no brasil (envio rápido, sem perigo de taxas de importação)specifications and features: stealth cam i550 digital flash trail camera 5
0 interface x 4 micro sd card slot combined 3ver número 54 produto usado sem a caixa, porem funcionando tudo normal2ghz 64-bit quad-core arm cortex-a53 1gb ram 10/100 ethernet port 802ele substituiu o raspberry pi 2 modelo b em fevereiro de 201611n wifi nic bluetooth 45mm audio jack and composite video 40-pin gpio interface camera interface (csi) display interface (dsi) upgraded power management, supports more peripherals (requires a 211n wireless lan bluetooth 40a power supply) itens inclusos 01 placa raspberry pi 3 modelo b quad-core 1em comparação com o raspberry pi 2, pi 3 tem: a 12ghz 1gb ram 01 fonte 5v 01 cartão de 16gdescrição o raspberry pi 3 é a terceira geração raspberry pi1 & bluetooth low energy (ble) bcm2837, 1whatsapp 1299191811 & bluetooth low energy (ble) hdmi port usb 22ghz 64-bit quad-core armv8 cpu 802
Jacareí (São Paulo)
$ 250
Features powered by geforce® gtx 1080 integrated with 8gb gddr5x 256bit memory windforce 3x with blade fan design support up to 8k display ** (requires 2*dp1só tenho interesse em vender, sem trocas8m customizable color rgb lighting core clock boost: 1860 mhz / base: 1721 mhz in oc mode boost: 1835 mhz / base: 1695 mhz in gaming modecomprada na kabum3 connectors) 16
Ribeirão Preto (São Paulo)
$ 1800
16" tall requires 3 x aaa batteriesaww, baby groot moves and grooves to the music with this portable speaker from marvel's guardians of the galaxy vol" connect your mp3 player via the auxiliary port and baby groot will dance along to your music too! approxincludes music from the movie and groot's trademark line, "i am groot
Santo André-SP (São Paulo)
$ 500
0 interface x 4 micro sd card slot combined 32ghz 64-bit quad-core arm cortex-a53 1gb ram 10/100 ethernet port 80211n wifi nic bluetooth 45mm audio jack and composite video 40-pin gpio interface camera interface (csi) display interface (dsi) upgraded power management, supports more peripherals (requires a 211n wireless lan bluetooth 4raspberry pi 3 model b1 & bluetooth low energy (ble) bcm2837, 10a power supply)placa principal para fliperama portátil1 & bluetooth low energy (ble) hdmi port usb 22ghz 64-bit quad-core armv8 cpu 802
264, áudio: aac > continuour loop vídeo: seamless loop recording, don't leak second > automatically power on/off: support auto ignition boot, turn off shutdown interface: s upport usb; hdmi; av out > motion detection: support > night vision: support > time synchronization: support > photo format: w > support memory card: tf (maximum support 32gb)(card not included) > built-in stereo: support > vídeo format: pal/ntsc > frequency: 50hz/60hz > usb function: usb-disk; pc-câmera; charging > power interface: 5v 1a > system requires: windows /xp/vista/windows 7, ma conteúdo da embalagem 1 x car dvr 1 x car charger 1 x usb cable 1 x user manualespecificiações: > g-sensor: support >p lcd screen size: ltps 16:9 > lens: 170 degree a + grade high resolution ultra-wide angle lens > files format: avi> image sensor: ar > vídeo resolution: > recording vídeo format: h
$ 70
It requires your patience5cm; about 22*19*205kg (without / with dust cover)assembly difficulty level: ★★★☆☆assembly time: 10-24 hours (depend on you)main material: wood, cloth, plastic, paper, light, etc2cm (without / withdust cover)box size: about 30*26*7light: includedmusic motor: includeddust-proof cover: includedglue: not includednote:it is not a pre-assembled dollhousespecification:brand: cuteroomitem: sunshine greenhouseitem no5cmweight: about 1you need to assemble by yourselfpackage included:1 x diy dollhouse kit (with instructions & small accessories)a-063-cfinished model size: about 22*19*17
It requires your patiencelight: includeddust-proof cover: includedmusic motor: not included (sold separately; for music motor, please click here65kgassembly difficulty level: ★★★☆☆assembly time: 6-15 hours (depend on you)main material: wood, cloth, plastic, paper, light, etc)glue: not includedbattery: not includednote:it is not a pre-assembled dollhousespecification:finished model size: about 22 x 20you need to assemble by yourselfpackage included:1 x diy dollhouse kit (with instructions & small accessories)39"(with cover)weight: about 0
It requires your patiencea-039-b (christmas version)finished model size: about 31car: includedlight: includedmusic motor: includeddust-proof cover: includedglue: not includedbattery: not includednote:it is not a pre-assembled dollhouseyou need to assemble by yourselfpackage included:1 x diy dollhouse kit (with instructions & small accessories)1kg (without / with dust cover)assembly difficulty level: ★★★☆☆assembly time: 10-24 hours (depend on you)main material: wood, cloth, plastic, paper, light, etc5 (without / with dust cover)packaging: color boxweight: about 1specification:brand: cuteroomitem: london holidayitem no
It requires your patiencelight: includeddust cover: includedmusic motor: not includedglue: not includedpefect for: gift, home/office decor note:it is not a pre-assembled dollhouse8cmmain material: wood, paper, light, etcyou need to assemble by yourselfthis kit contains small partsspecification:weight: about 580gbox size: about 21*10*11adults guidance is required for young childrenpackage included:1 x gloomy sunday diy dollhouse kit (with instructions & small accessories)
It requires your patiencelight: includeddust cover: includedmusic motor: not includedglue: not includedpefect for: gift, home/office decor note:it is not a pre-assembled dollhouse8cmmain material: wood, paper, light, etcyou need to assemble by yourselfthis kit contains small partspackage included:1x barbatello house diy dollhouse kit (with instructions & small accessories)specification:weight: about 580gbox size: about 21*10*11adults guidance is required for young children
It requires your patience6kg (without / with dust cover)assembly difficulty level: ★★★☆☆assembly time: 10-24 hours (depend on you)main material: wood, cloth, plastic, paper, light, etclight: includedmusic motor: includeddust-proof cover: includedglue: not includedbattery: not includednote:it is not a pre-assembled dollhouseyou need to assemble by yourself62cm (without / with dust cover)packaging: color boxweight: about 1package included:1 x diy dollhouse kit (with instructions & small accessories)specification:brand: cuteroomfinished model size: about 24
It requires your patience9kgnote:it is not a pre-assembled dollhouseyou need to assemble by yourselfpackage included:1 x diy dollhouse kitfeature:light & music motor: includeddust-proof cover: not includedassembled dollhouse: about 30x23x22cm/1166"weight: about 1
It requires your patience3kgassembly difficulty level: ★★★☆☆assembly time: 8-10 hours (depend on you)main material: wood, cloth, plastic, paper, light, etclight: includeddust-proof cover: includedglue: not includedbattery: not included note:it is not a pre-assembled dollhouseyou need to assemble by yourselfpackage included:1 x diy dollhouse kit (with instructions & small accessories)specification:finished model size: about 2468"weight: about 1
Easy to cut and easy to install, no requires specialist toolpreventing dust collection between sliding doors or windows5mmfeatures:perfect for doors and window framesreduce the noise from outside and the sliding door slamming, give you a quiet and comfortable living environmentprotect the window and door, reduce wear on window/door while open and close5mmsuitable gap: 2-5material: epdm, silicone, pvcshape: p type foam seal striplength: 5 meters(16resist rain and cold wind, give you a clean and warmer environmentwaterproof, windproof, excellent aging resistancepackage included:1 x self adhesive p type foam seal strip4 feet)color: black, brown, whitedimension(approx): 9 x 5
14weight: 305gmaterial: plastic+led lampbulb: warm white ledspower: 2aa batteries(not included)application:cordless battery operated, safe and convenient with on and off switch on the backintegrated hanging hook holes for ease of display on wall - as an exciting prop for restaurants, bars, and photo booths, etcthis product is safe and multi-functional,no wiring required, fast and easy to installthis bright tropical light is the ideal eye catching addition to your party tablesafety in use,requires 2 x aa batteries (not included), on and off switch on the sidedescription:color: blue,yellow,redshape: cloudsize: 29add an elegant glow to your table decoration with our giant light upindoor and out door(must in dry weather) use, home or holiday decorationpretty much anywhere you can think to use a signpackage included:1x led light1x package boxthere is a hole behind the lamp, can be hung on the wall, also can be placed on the table or any corner of the family
It requires your patiencemusic box: city of sky; includedlight: inlcuded2pcs 145"weight: about 2specification:finished model: about 27*26*24cm /105v aa batteries: not includedred/yellow car: not includeddust-proof cover: not includedglue: not includedassembly difficulty level: ★★★★☆assembly time: 2-4 daysnote:it is not a pre-assembled dollhouseyou need to assemble by yourself3kgmain material: wood, paper, cloth, light, plastic, battery box, etcpackage included:1 xdollhouse miniature model with light music
Integrated hanging hook holes for ease of display on wall - as an exciting prop for restaurants, bars, and photo booths, etcpackage included:1x led light1x package boxthis product is safe and multi-functional,no wiring required, fast and easy to installthis bright tropical light is the ideal eye catching addition to your party tablesafety in use,requires 2 x aa batteries (not included), on and off switch on the side14weight: 225gmaterial: plastic+led lampbulb: warm white ledspower: 2aa batteries(not included)application:cordless battery operated, safe and convenient with on and off switch on the backadd an elegant glow to your table decoration with our giant light upindoor and out door(must in dry weather) use, home or holiday decorationpretty much anywhere you can think to use a signdescription:color: blue,yellow, redshape: giraffesize: 15there is a hole behind the lamp, can be hung on the wall, also can be placed on the table or any corner of the family
It requires your patiencelight: includeddust cover: not includedmusic motor:includedglue: not includedpefect for: gift, home/office decor note:it is not a pre-assembled dollhousea-066type: diy; not pre-assembledweight: about 1600gbox size: about 29*24*215cmmain material: wood, paper, light, etcyou need to assemble by yourselfspecification:brand: cuteroomitem name: time apartmentitem nothis kit contains small partspackage included:1 x time apartment diy dollhouse kit (with instructions & small accessories)adults guidance is required for young children
It requires your patiencelight: includeddust cover: includedmusic motor: not includedglue: not includedpefect for: gift, home/office decor note:it is not a pre-assembled dollhousepackage included:1 x quiet life diy dollhouse kit (with instructions & small accessories)you need to assemble by yourselfl-022type: diy; not pre-assembledweight: about 1600gbox size: about 2410"main material: wood, paper, light, etcthis kit contains small partsspecification:brand: cuteroomitem name: quiet lifeitem noadults guidance is required for young children
It requires your patiencepackage included:1 x encounters corner diy dollhouse kit (with instructions & small accessories)you need to assemble by yourselfthis kit contains small partsadults guidance is required for young childrenb-031type: diy; not pre-assembledweight: about 750gbox size: about 18specification:brand: cuteroomitem name: encounters corneritem no33"main material: wood, paper, light, etclight: includeddust cover: includedmusic motor: includedglue: not includedpefect for: gift, home/office decor note:it is not a pre-assembled dollhouse