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Package included:1* 60 ml contact lens care solutionnotice:1discard any remaining solution whthin 60 days after openning the bottledo not use with hard and gas premeble contact lensesextracomfort: prior to lenses wear, place a few drops of solution inner suface of your lenses or extra comfortdo not use directly in the eyerinsing: some patients may find it more comfortable to rinse lenses with solution before inserting lenses into the eyeitem type: contact lens care solutionvolume: 60 ml/pceffect:1it is recornmended that lenses are re-disinfected after prolonged of storage 1 week or moredaily cleansing2disinfecting: place lens in clean lenses case and fill with solution ,allow lens to soak for a minimum of 6 hours of overnightclose the bottle tightly immediately after usekeep out of reach of childrendirection for use: do not change from the solution recornmended by your contact lens practitionerprotein removalstorage:1after using your contact lens case throughly rinse with freshly boiled cooled tap water and allow to air dry do not use sopor detergents