
Lista updated

  • Perfect for general use kid's box second edition is now updated with new vocabulary and activities so that it fully covers the syllabus of the revised cambridge english: young learners teststhe student's book 4 presents and practices new language through amusing stories and fantastic songs and activities to give children an enjoyable and confident start to learning englishthe fun course for seriously good results! this seven-level course delights children and inspires teachers with bright ideas for the english classroomcambridge english: movers-type tests evaluate progress and familiarize children with the international tests format


  • aperfeiçoe o projeto: ao contrário de anteriormente projetado dusk masks (principalmente 95% máscaras), nossa máscara de poeira implementa o design que impede a máscara de poluição de escorregar

    uso universal: a nossa máscara anti-poluição é feita para projetos de melhoria doméstica: como uma máscara de tinta (não-óleo baseado), máscara para limpeza, madeira, corte, etcele vai ajudá-lo a respirar de uma maneira mais limpa e saudávelé adequado para ciclismo, corrida, ciclismo, caminhadas, esqui, carpintaria e outras atividades ao ar livrenossos clientes usam a máscara facial para correr e andar de bicicletapara o desempenho maximizado, a m\u00e1scara deve ser selada corretamente ao redor do nariz e boca, para que todo o ar inalado possa passar pelo filtro

    nossa separa\u00e7\u00e3o da m\u00e1scara de 98% da poeira, produtos qu\u00edmicos, part\u00edculas, g\u00e1s, p\u00f3len, fuma\u00e7a e fuma\u00e7a9,"compare_at_price":0,"cost_per_item":0,"sku":"29,201336100","aliexpress_sku":null,"position":1,"inventory_policy":1,"quantity":69,"prevent_out_of_stock_selling":0,"taxable":0,"barcode":null,"swatches":null,"weight":0,"weight_unit":null,"requires_shipping":0,"has_digital_attachment":0,"created_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","updated_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","deleted_at":null,"is_available":true,"variant_image":[{"product_image_id":2306264,"product_variant_id":2181007}],"product_variant_option_value":[{"id":3845285,"product_variant_id":2181007,"product_option_id":334018,"product_option_value_id":1535436,"created_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","updated_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52"},{"id":3845286,"product_variant_id":2181007,"product_option_id":334019,"product_option_value_id":1535437,"created_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","updated_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52"}]},{"id":2181008,"product_id":317085,"default":0,"title":"preto\/estados unidos","price":79io\/products\/reviews\/create","toggle_date_visibility":false,"has_reviews":false},"custom_options":[]}" style="box-sizing: border-box; word-break: break-word;" preto/china preto/estados unidos



    ships from

    china estados unidos

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    20 pçs feminino respirável ao ar livre máscara reutilizável filtro pm2jpg","alt":""},{"id":2306267,"src":"static\/products_images\/2j8moc8peeurx6b1hcajgqvll7i7jcio\/products\/mascara-facial-feminina-com-20","counts":[],"percentages":[],"total_rating_count":0,"data":{"count":[5,4,3,2,1]},"overall_stars":0,"overall_remaining_stars":5,"all":[],"links":{},"product_reviews_js":{},"create_path":"https:\/\/stabashopjpg","alt":""},{"id":2306264,"src":"static\/products_images\/fhbfscr3hruffl8aamm6rgh1xegvhj

    nossa separação da máscara de 98% da poeira, produtos químicos, partículas, gás, pólen, fumaça e fumaçaele vai ajud\u00e1-lo a respirar de uma maneira mais limpa e saud\u00e1vel

    ajuste confortável: feito de náilon elástico e elastano, material leve, textura macia, secagem rápida, respirável e confortável de usar5 filtragem de ar m\u00e1scara

    respira\u00c7\u00c3o saud\u00c1vel: a nossa a m\u00e1scara do respirador \u00e9 projetada para a prote\u00e7\u00e3o confort\u00e1vel contra a poeira, p\u00f3len, fumos, irritantes a\u00e9reos comuns e outras part\u00edculas \u00e0 base de n\u00e3o-\u00f3leojpg","alt":""}],"current_variant":{"id":2181007,"product_id":317085,"default":0,"title":"preto\/china","price":79

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    mascara facial feminina com 20

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    20 p\u00e7s feminino respir\u00e1vel ao ar livre m\u00e1scara reutiliz\u00e1vel filtro pm2para o desempenho maximizado, a máscara deve ser selada corretamente ao redor do nariz e boca, para que todo o ar inalado possa passar pelo filtro5 e prote\u00e7\u00e3o do dia da n\u00e9voa5 e proteção do dia da névoa

    ele também pode ser usado como um máscara para filtrar pollens alergênico e como uma máscara para a gripe

    aperfei\u00c7oe o projeto: ao contr\u00e1rio de anteriormente projetado dusk masks (principalmente 95% m\u00e1scaras), nossa m\u00e1scara de poeira implementa o design que impede a m\u00e1scara de polui\u00e7\u00e3o de escorregar

    uso universal: a nossa m\u00e1scara anti-polui\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 feita para projetos de melhoria dom\u00e9stica: como uma m\u00e1scara de tinta (n\u00e3o-\u00f3leo baseado), m\u00e1scara para limpeza, madeira, corte, etctamanho geral, elástico e ajustável cinta adequada para a maioria das pessoas, um tamanho se encaixa para todos

    sobre o material:
    m\u00e1scara material: poli\u00e9ster

    aten\u00c7\u00c3o: nosso produto \u00c9 importado e por este motivo, pode levar de 10 a 40 dias para ser entregueo máscara dustproof pode ser usado para anti-poeira, exaustão anti-veículo, anti-pólen alergia, anti pm2o m\u00e1scara dustproof pode ser usado para anti-poeira, exaust\u00e3o anti-ve\u00edculo, anti-p\u00f3len alergia, anti pm29,"compare_at_price":0,"cost_per_item":0,"sku":"29,201336106","aliexpress_sku":null,"position":1,"inventory_policy":1,"quantity":100,"prevent_out_of_stock_selling":0,"taxable":0,"barcode":null,"swatches":null,"weight":0,"weight_unit":null,"requires_shipping":0,"has_digital_attachment":0,"created_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","updated_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","deleted_at":null,"is_available":true,"variant_image":[{"product_image_id":2306264,"product_variant_id":2181008}],"product_variant_option_value":[{"id":3845287,"product_variant_id":2181008,"product_option_id":334018,"product_option_value_id":1535436,"created_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","updated_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52"},{"id":3845288,"product_variant_id":2181008,"product_option_id":334019,"product_option_value_id":1535438,"created_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","updated_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52"}]}],"currency":"r$","options":[{"id":334018,"product_id":317085,"name":"color","position":0,"created_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","updated_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","values":[{"value":"preto","id":1535436}]},{"id":334019,"product_id":317085,"name":"ships from","position":0,"created_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","updated_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","values":[{"value":"china","id":1535437},{"value":"estados unidos","id":1535438}]}],"collections":[],"tags":[{"tag":"mascara facial feminina"}],"type":"","vendor":"","reviews":{"disable":false,"product_path":"https:\/\/stabashop

    ele tamb\u00e9m pode ser usado como um m\u00e1scara para filtrar pollens alerg\u00eanico e como uma m\u00e1scara para a gripesemelhante à elevação-pode também ajude seu treinamento de capacidade pulmonar imitando alta altitude/baixo oxigênio nível de condições

    ajuste confort\u00e1vel: feito de n\u00e1ilon el\u00e1stico e elastano, material leve, textura macia, secagem r\u00e1pida, respir\u00e1vel e confort\u00e1vel de usarcartão de créditojpg","alt":""},{"id":2306268,"src":"static\/products_images\/96ctnkfkyvuvifmmsjucqwko40jrwatamanho geral, el\u00e1stico e ajust\u00e1vel cinta adequada para a maioria das pessoas, um tamanho se encaixa para todos5 filtragem de ar máscara

    respiração saudável: a nossa a máscara do respirador é projetada para a proteção confortável contra a poeira, pólen, fumos, irritantes aéreos comuns e outras partículas à base de não-óleojpg","alt":""},{"id":2306266,"src":"static\/products_images\/mzi9u81hujr4rzap3fjom3wco8fgxr9,"compare_at_price":0,"cost_per_item":0,"sku":"29,201336100","aliexpress_sku":null,"position":1,"inventory_policy":1,"quantity":69,"prevent_out_of_stock_selling":0,"taxable":0,"barcode":null,"swatches":null,"weight":0,"weight_unit":null,"requires_shipping":0,"has_digital_attachment":0,"created_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","updated_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","deleted_at":null,"is_available":true,"variant_image":[{"product_image_id":2306264,"product_variant_id":2181007}],"product_variant_option_value":[{"id":3845285,"product_variant_id":2181007,"product_option_id":334018,"product_option_value_id":1535436,"created_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","updated_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52"},{"id":3845286,"product_variant_id":2181007,"product_option_id":334019,"product_option_value_id":1535437,"created_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52","updated_at":"2020-07-25 19:48:52"}]},"variants":[{"id":2181007,"product_id":317085,"default":0,"title":"preto\/china","price":79jpg","alt":""},{"id":2306265,"src":"static\/products_images\/acvd665bcvmgupz2w8hbwnapgzttmq\u00c9 adequado para ciclismo, corrida, ciclismo, caminhadas, esqui, carpintaria e outras atividades ao ar livresemelhante \u00e0 eleva\u00e7\u00e3o-pode tamb\u00e9m ajude seu treinamento de capacidade pulmonar imitando alta altitude\/baixo oxig\u00eanio n\u00edvel de condi\u00e7\u00f5esnossos clientes usam a m\u00e1scara facial para correr e andar de bicicleta
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    sobre o material:
    máscara material: poliéster


    $ 79

  • The project pages have been updated for the fourth edition and each project now focuses on a particular skill that students will need to complete the projectcaracterísticas autor: editora oxford peso: 0there are also more communication and multi-skill exercises in the student's book to help prepare students for using english in the real worldproduto novo project fourth edition maintains the structure that teachers know and love from previous editionsevery unit includes a culture page where students learn about different aspects of the culture of english speaking countries and compare it with their own; english across the curriculum pages which provide an opportunity for students to learn about other subjects in english, including geography, maths, science, and history; revision pages to review the language and vocabulary students have learnt in the unit; and project pages where students can put everything they have learnt into practice and create a project9780194764568 altura: 21 largura: 14 profundidade: 1 número de páginas: 88 idioma: inglês acabamento: brochura ano da edição: 2013 país de origem: estados unidosthese include, getting information, working together, and presenting


  • Produto novo this updated course, now over seven levels, gives you even more brain-challenging activities and cross-curricular lessons• new starter level for learners who are not yet reading and writing500000 largura: 219780194442299 altura: 27800000 número de páginas: 96 idioma: inglês acabamento: brochura ano da edição: 2012the trusted methodology is based on things that children love, including: • a wide variety of fun activities that challenge children of all learning styles to think• learning other subjects and skills through english (clil - content and language integrated learning)key features: • activities that appeal to all learner types and develop thinking skills and civic education• great support for speaking and story-telling with animations, face masks and finger puppets for acting out the story, and tear out story books to take home • more cambridge yle test support and practice and a new testing programme with more self-evaluation and more revisioncaracterísticas autor: morgan,michaela; phillips,sarah; slattery,mary peso: 0now, with a great new digital package including online practice, more skills development and more cambridge yle test support, you can help your class learn incredible english and more500000 profundidade: 0• more digital support for home and school - new online practice helps parents track their child's progress and instantly grades homework for teacherswith new online practice, more opportunities for speaking and more cambridge yle test practice, your class will learn incredible english and more! walk into an incredible english classroom and there is a buzz - children acting out a story, using a venn diagram or finishing a craft project confidently in english• more variety of text types for reading including longer, cross-cultural texts and more structure for writing skills with personalized writing activities and more grammar practice


  • A “live” website: content will be added and updated regularly, which will encourage users to return frequentlya move away from traditional uk and usa settings to more global contextsstudent-focused social networking features: students will be motivated to use english in a format that has established popularitydigital features vle-based tracking: teachers can see how well students have performed on interactive activities and whether they have completed themuser-friendly: teachers can register their students to use the website independently, or they can integrate the content of the website into their teachingfunctional language and final task sections bring together the smaller pieces to help students see “the big picture” via practical, real-life tasksinclusion of different text types from the elt norm – new genres (einclusion of situations where no native speakers are present (as models for tasks)blog posts), literary texts, signs, etcan emphasis on “global english”, with a wide variety of non-native and non-standard accents in the audio programthese images provide a fresh, contemporary look and are at the centre of tasks, encouraging learners to work with and interpret themthe big picture reflects the key issues in the world today which are immediately relevant to the learners’ worlds and experiences with striking real world imageskey features up-to-date, real-life, relevant contexts ground tasks and content in students’ own world, allowing them to personalize and localize materiala strong, systematic vocabulary building strand focuses on both lexical fields and vocabulary systemscarefully structured discussion tasks encourage personalization, localization, and critical thinking, and complete functional language lessons develop conversation strategies and are applied to students’ immediate world experienceavoidance/challenging of stereotypes – intercultural awareness foregrounded, elanguage focus on real, useful language and high-frequency expressions, and are text, topic, and context drivennotice boxes draw attention to generative patterns and the living/changing nature of language


  • updated the ball launch lamp logicatenção: não requer solda, apenas remova a rom antiga e coloque a nova em seu lugar! gravação em equipamentos de última geração - satisfação e qualidadeatenção: quando vc liga o pinball aparece no display a versão da rom que está instaladaenhanced the lockup post logicboosted replay start defaultcompleted translationstemos upgrade para cpu´s, sound e video romsu6: version l-1 la-1 checksum: 3a01 lx-1 checksum: 1001 date: january 13, 1994 initial release to productionrevision log popeye pinball software revision information u6: version l-5 la-5 checksum: fb05 lx-5 checksum: fd05 date: october 4, 1994 changes from revision l-4: fixed a problem with replay boost that prevented it from being turned offreduced special percentagecompre com confiançabally popeye cpu rom upgrade l-5 roms de game atualizadas para seu pinball eproms / eeproms atualizadas para a última versãopré-testados antes do enviou6: version l-2 la-2 checksum: dc02 lx-2 checksum: db02 date: january 24, 1994 changes from revision l-1: added translationsgravamos todas as roms williams / bally / sega / data east seu jogo atualizado para a última versão - chega de bugs e travamentos - atualize já seu gameatualize seu pinball - game rom updateu6: version l-4 la-4 checksum: 8004 lx-4 checksum: 6f04 date: february 14, 1994 changes from revision l-2: added some new display and speech effectsadded a re-kick on the right ball popperse não encontrou a rom que precisa pergunte-nos


  • (u2 checksum: 8f00) updated pricing modes to enable $1atenção: não requer solda, apenas remova a rom antiga e coloque a nova em seu lugar! gravação em equipamentos de última geração - satisfação e qualidadethis prevents them from being marked bad because the interlock switch is openu6: version l-3 checksum: 8e03 date: july 22, 1993 changes from revision l-2: changed plane sounds on the hurry up modeadded translationstemos upgrade para cpu´s, sound e video roms) u6: version l-4 checksum: e604 date: august 3, 1993 changes from revision l-3: this version of software must be used with version l-2 (or later) of the sound softwaregravamos todas as roms williams / bally / sega / data east seu jogo atualizado para a última versão - chega de bugs e travamentos - atualize já seu gameu6: version l-5 checksum: c105 date: september 2, 1993 changes from revision l-4: this version allows use of french textatenção: quando vc liga o pinball aparece no display a versão da rom que está instaladarevision log indiana jones pinball software revision information u6: version l-7 checksum: a607 date: november 22, 1993 changes from revision l-6: added a delay on switching the mini-playfield motor direction to help keep the motor from fatiguingatualize seu pinball - sound rom update2 21 language can now be set to frenchwilliams indiana jones sound rom upgrade l-3 roms de som atualizadas para seu pinball eproms / eeproms atualizadas para a última versãofixed the third pass of choose wisely, which moved very slowlyadded light shows and effectsu6: version p-4 checksum: c8d4 date: july 13, 1993 changes from revision p-3: added buy-inu6: version l-6 checksum: aa06 date: october 13, 1993 changes from revision l-5: latest sound version is l-3fixed a problem in the "complete all modes" that could cause the mini playfield shots to not be collectableu6: version l-1 checksum: fe01 date: july 16, 1993 changes from revision p-4: initial release to productionlengthened the firing time on the underplayfield trough post coilcompre com confiançachanged logic on the diverter after jackpot collectedu6: version l-2 checksum: be02 date: july 17, 1993 changes from revision l-1: slowed down the blink rate on the buy-in button lampadded some light showslengthened the firing time on the path of adventure up/down post coilse não encontrou a rom que precisa pergunte-nosthe gun trigger would not allow buy-in if player tilted on the last ball) drop targets are no longer cycled when the coin door is open(note: the gun trigger does not normally cause buy-in; it must be set that way by adjustmentadded a bunch of adjustmentspré-testados antes do envio(u2 checksum: 9900) enhanced ball search on the popper


  • Description: fully updated for raspberry pi 3b+/3b/2bhigh-gloss finish, surface mountablefeaturing a removable lid for easy access to all connections with allowance for cable routing with lid in place for a clean appearancethe bottom is provided with air holes and anti-skid foot pads for the good heat dissipation performance* este produto vem china descrição atualizado prêmio framboesa pi caso usb porto para framboesa pi 3b + / 3b / 2b especificaciones features: a thick-walled design strong enough to be taken apart and put re-assembled many times without failuredue to the manual measurement and different measurement methods, please allow 1-3cm deviationremovable lid, access all connectionstwo camera mounting options make this perfect case for use with a cameradue to the difference between different monitors,the picture may not reflect the actual color of the itemwe guarantee the style is the same as shown in the picturesheat sink openings for both cpu and lan chipsmall size design, it is portable to carryspecifications: material: abs size: 60*35*30mm color: black package included: 1 x raspberry pi case notes: 1


  • Description: fully updated for raspberry pi 3 2 & b+ perfect replacementhigh-gloss finish, surface mountable* este produto vem china descrição portátil caso atualizado prêmio framboesa pi caso para framboesa pi 3 2 & b + especificaciones features: a thick-walled design strong enough to be taken apart and put re-assembled many times without failurefeaturing a removable lid for easy access to all connections with allowance for cable routing with lid in place for a clean appearancethe bottom is provided with air holes and anti-skid foot pads for the good heat dissipation performancedue to the manual measurement and different measurement methods, please allow 1-3cm deviationremovable lid, access all connectionstwo camera mounting options make this perfect case for use with a cameradue to the difference between different monitors,the picture may not reflect the actual color of the itemwe guarantee the style is the same as shown in the picturesheat sink openings for both cpu and lan chipsmall size design, it is portable to carryspecifications: material: abs size: 70*40*35mm color: black/white/clear package included: 1 x raspberry pi case notes: 1


  • Material atualizado e incluso no serviçoi teach english in the following areas, electrical, mechanical and civil engineering as well as marketing and business studiesmy work covers pronunciation and intonationcurrent projects include specialization in legal and medical vocabulary and grammari am a native english teacher qualified to celta level, living and working in joao pessoa, paraibai do speak portuguese though generally this is not required by most studentsskype is an optioni also teach toefl and cambridge pet, fce, cae, cpe, gre and legal englishthere is no need to buy any materials or text booksi still have places available and work on an hourly basisi am also available for proofing work and translation / interpretationaulas particular de inglês(83)3512 2684 (reduced rates for conversation only) devido a grande procura eu agora trabalho aos sabadosi teach on a one to one basis and my client base includes students, professors and members of the legal and medical professioncurso customizado com foco na suas necessidadesi now work on saturdays because of increased demand

    João Pessoa (Paraíba)

  • The fully updated guide includesthe dk eyewitness california travel guide is your indispensable guide to this beautiful part of the worldlivre de anotações, grifados e qualquer detalhes que prejudique o livrodescrição: em inglês -- páginas: 662 -- 13 x 22 -- brochura cartonada resistente -- em ótimo estado de capa, lombada e miolo

    São Paulo (São Paulo)

    $ 80

  • The fully updated guidelivre de anotações, grifados e qualquer detalhes que prejudique o livroem inglês -- páginas: 632 -- formato: 13 x 22 -- brochura cartonada resistente -- conservação: em ótimo estado de capa, lombada e miolo

    São Paulo (São Paulo)

    $ 75

  • Market leader 3rd edition has been completely updated to reflect the fast-changing world of business using authoritative and authentic business sources such as financial times

    São Paulo (São Paulo)

    $ 60

  • updated on 24-10-2019material atualizado e incluso no serviçoi teach english in the following areas, electrical, mechanical and civil engineering as well as marketing and business studiesi now work on saturdays because of increased demandmy work covers pronunciation and intonationcurrent projects include specialization in legal and medical vocabulary and grammarskype is an optioni am a native english teacher qualified to celta level, living and working in joao pessoa, paraibai do speak portuguese though generally this is not required by most studentsaulas particular de inglêsi also teach toefl and cambridge pet, fce, cae, cpe, gre and legal englishthere is no need to buy any materials or text booksi still have places available and work on an hourly basiscurso customizado com foco na suas necessidadesi teach on a one to one basis and my client base includes students, professors and members of the legal and medical professioni am also available for proofing work and translation/interpretation(83)3512 2684 (reduced rates for conversation only) devido a grande procura eu agora trabalho aos sabados

    João Pessoa (Paraíba)

  • Material atualizado e incluso no serviçoi teach english in the following areas, electrical, mechanical and civil engineering as well as marketing and business studiesmy work covers pronunciation and intonationcurrent projects include specialization in legal and medical vocabulary and grammarupdated; 2-11-19i am a native english teacher qualified to celta level, living and working in joao pessoa, paraibai do speak portuguese though generally this is not required by most studentsskype is an optioni also teach toefl and cambridge pet, fce, cae, cpe, gre and legal englishthere is no need to buy any materials or text booksi still have places available and work on an hourly basisi am also available for proofing work and translation / interpretationaulas particular de inglês(83)3512 2684 (reduced rates for conversation only) devido a grande procura eu agora trabalho aos sabadosi teach on a one to one basis and my client base includes students, professors and members of the legal and medical professioncurso customizado com foco na suas necessidadesi now work on saturdays because of increased demand

    João Pessoa (Paraíba)

  • Polaroid cube act ii hd 1080p mountable weather-resistant lifestyle action video camera (black) 6mp still camera w/image stabilization, sound recording, low light capability & other updated features produto novo, na caixa lacrado, nunca usado! qualquer dúvida é só falar! informações adicionais: vai com todos os acessórios e manuais - acompanha: cabo para recarga, cartão sd de 8gb e bumper case (tipo de pingente)dúvidas - pergunte!a pronta entrega, a postagem do produto é realizada um dia após confirmação de compra do ml; garantia legal de 90 dias diretamente comigo


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  • Seu gato é um comedor rápido? não há mais dores de barriga e vômitos para o seu gato! did you know that a raised feeder helps prevent indigestion and stomach discomfort? this new & updated model also slows down the feeding speed! recommended by vets and pet care professionalsespecificação: cor: transparente, preto tipo: # 1 duas tigelas transparentes # 2 tigela transparente + tigela preta # 3 duas tigelas pretas material: plástico ecológico dimensões: consulte a imagem abaixopor favor, entenda que as cores podem existir aberração cromáticaelevated cat cat bowl will reduce strain on your cat's joints, neck, hips, shoulders and most importantly it reduces the strain on esophagus by making swallowing easier! sturdy non-tipping base - no more food pawed out of the bowlpor favor, permita um erro de 1-3cm devido à medição manuala embalagem inclui: 1 x alimentador de estimação de tigela dupla observe: 1


  • Inclui dump vcs 276 - administration netbackup 8está completo com o player0 updated: march, 2020não inclui está completo com o player


  • Material atualizado e incluso no serviçoi teach english in the following areas, electrical, mechanical and civil engineering as well as marketing and business studies( (reduced rates for conversation only) devido a grande procura eu agora trabalho aos sabadosmy work covers pronunciation and intonationcurrent projects include specialization in legal and medical vocabulary and grammari do speak portuguese though generally this is not a requirement most studentsi now work on saturdays because of increased demandi am a native english teacher qualified to celta level, living and working in joao pessoa, paraibaaulas particular de inglêsi teach on a one to one basis, personally and on-line and my client base includes students, professors and members of the legal and medical professioni also teach toefl and cambridge pet, fce, cae, cpe, gre and legal englishthere is no need to buy any materials or text booksi still have places available and work on an hourly basiscurso customizado com foco na suas necessidadesi am also available for proofing work and translation/interpretation

  • Material atualizado e incluso no serviço( (reduced rates for conversation only) devido a grande procura eu agora trabalho aos sabadosi teach english in the following areas, electrical, mechanical and civil engineering as well as marketing and business studiesmy work covers pronunciation and intonationcurrent projects include specialization in legal and medical vocabulary and grammari am a native english teacher qualified to celta level, living and working in joao pessoa, paraibai do speak portuguese though generally this is not required by most studentsskype is an optioni also teach toefl and cambridge pet, fce, cae, cpe, gre and legal englishthere is no need to buy any materials or text booksi still have places available and work on an hourly basisi am also available for proofing work and translation / interpretationaulas particular de inglêsi teach on a one to one basis and my client base includes students, professors and members of the legal and medical professioncurso customizado com foco na suas necessidadesi now work on saturdays because of increased demand

  • Expanded from the  eisner award –winning xl book,  75 years of dc comics, this new series hits the shelf at a reader-friendly size with essays updated by author  paul levitz  and more than 1,000 new images across five volumes  also included is an exclusive interview with legendary artist joe kubert! about the series: taschen’s series on dc comics explores the origins of comics’ most enduring legends and the behind-the-scenes stories of the men and women who created them, era by erathe single most comprehensive book on the subject, this volume traces the company’s first decades, from its pulp origins up to the comic book burnings of the mccarthy ’50s in more than 400 pages bursting with comics, art, comics, photographs, and more comics(s13) capa dura:  416 páginas isbn-10:  3836535734 isbn-13:  978-3836535731 dimensões do produto:  24superman’s story, and those of batman, wonder woman, and hundreds of other dc comics characters, are all told in  the golden age of dc comicshe was not the first super hero, but the man of steel would become the prototype for all super heroes thereafter  dc comics characters and all related elements are trademarks of and; dc comicsthousands of covers and interiors, original illustrations, photographs, film stills, and collectibles have been reproduced to bring the story lines, the characters, and their creators to vibrant life, making this an invaluable reference for comics fansthis is how it all began: from the man of steel to batman and wonder woman: the super hero is born   in june of 1938,  action comics  debuted with a new kind of comic book character on its cover: a costumed man with two identities, who possessed extraordinary strength and powers—a man able to protect the public when ordinary measures would not do66 cm editora:  taschen; 1ª edição (1 janeiro 2013) idioma::  inglês informações adicionais código identificador (sku) 9783836535731 editora taschen


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